Tuesday 24 May 2016

From lovers to good friend? How to deal with the person who used to bethe most important person.

"Love is hard, beak up is also hard"
Break up is not as simple. Because of hard to let go, memories that used to be together, might be with you forever. Once the end of a relationship, how would you deal with these "love heritage"? Which position should we put the person who used to be the closest and the most familiar to?

1. Become a friend that know each other the most
Because of used to be each other's soul mate and walk through so many journey together, you all familiar with each other's habits and interests. Once not lover anymore, won't you still feel like talk to him/ her about what you feel and think deep inside sometimes?
There's not much people who can be friends after being a lovers in the world, but then this might be the best path for both of you. Although because of some reason you can't become good lovers, but how many people would walk into your life like this in a lifetime? Not much people can do this to you. 

2. Don't meet each other in this lifetime anymore
Don't see don't think, no matter still have feeling towards him/ her of not, isn't it don't see then won't feel?
Delete photos, unfriend, even unfriend your mutual friend with him/her, then everything will be settle right? Every break up is like a lost of memory, after every break up it's born of a person that you won't want to know him and talk to him anymore, places that you won't go anymore, and things that you won't do anymore. 
It seems the most simple and straight forward, but it's like bombs hiding underground. You thought you have fully forgotten, but sometimes might just accidentally step to the bomb.  

3. Continue flirting
Because of love, you and he/her walk together, although because of some reasons you breakup, but the characteristic that addict you are still there. 
Maybe before meeting the next person that you addict to, you will still talk to him/her in the way you all used to, you still want to make him/her love you. But then most of this situation will be worse than before you break up with him/her. This might bring you and him/her into a more trouble and messed up situation. 

4. Not thinking of let go him/her and be cured at this moment
Some people enjoy the "flirting part" before him/her fall in love, some people enjoy the "heartbreaking part" after breaking up. After breaking up, everything messed up, for somebody he/she might not want to back to normal routine of his/her life so soon. 
Love a person but couldn't hold hands to the end, or even he/her just want to love him/her but can't. In this situation that full of regret, he/her might just want to stay in this feeling at this moment. 

Think about the memories that you used to be together with him/her, could you still choose to erase everything like it didn't happen?(unless you've met an asshole)
All those memories are still part of you, there's nobody else can erase your memory. 

So, no matter what position you put the person that used to be the most important person in your life to, it's normal that sometimes it just appears in your mind. It's okay, although sometimes still feel a little bit of ache :)

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